Презентация DigiMarc 2005: Digital Watermarking Solution

Презентация DigiMarc 2005: Digital Watermarking Solution

Embedder Toolkit

Positive ID authentication for the 21st century

The Digimarc IDMarc Embedder Toolkit gives systems integrators and issuers of identity documents a powerful new tool in the fight against document counterfeiting and forgery.

The IDMarc Embedder secures identity documents with IDMarc digital watermarking, a covert, machine-readable and interlocking digital security layer that enables positive authentication of identity documents.

The IDMarc Embedder integrates easily into both central-issue and over-the-counter issuance environments and support a wide range of inspection applications.

Easy integration with ID document production workflows
IDMarc Embedder software applies an IDMarc security feature to selected digital images, which will be printed on an identity document, at the time of personalization.

This turns previously passive elements of the document into machine-readable, interlocking digital security elements. And, as a covert security layer, IDMarc supports many document designs, making it an ideal solution for intra- or cross-jurisdictional ID authentication.

Document Inspector

With the IDMarc Document Inspector, issuing authorities and law enforcement personnel can simply and positively authenticate driver licenses, irrespective of a document’s design or jurisdiction. The Document Inspector generates an authentic suspect indication for each ID presented.

Forensic Inspector

Using the IDMarc Forensic Inspector application, document issuers and law enforcement officials are now able to positively authenticate and analyze North America driver licenses that are secured with IDMarc security features. IDMarc Forensic Inspector performs forensic analysis on suspect or fraudulent identity documents and provides details that are useful in analyzing the nature of document attacks.

Age Inspector

For age-controlled events and regulated product consumption compliance, authorities face enormous challenge when verifying the age of a document holder – especially given the hundreds of different driver license designs and types presented at events and points of sale.

Using the IDMarc Age Inspector application, law enforcement personnel can simply and positively authenticate driver licenses and verify a document holder’s age without compromising privacy.
IDMarc Age Inspector enables:
-Improved public safety
-Reduced costs associated with personnel training
-Fewer mistakes caused by human error


  1. Смирнов М.В. Голографический подход к встраиванию скрытых водяных знаков в фотографии - Оптический журнал, том.72, №6, 2005
  2. M.V. Smirnov Holographic approach to embedding hidden watermarks in a photographic image - Journal of Optical Technology Vol. 72, Issue 6, pp. 464-468 (2005)
  3. Смирнов М.В. Аналоговая защита фотоносителей информации в электронных документах - Тезисы международного научно-практического семинара "Системы комплексной безопасности и физической защиты", Санкт-Петербург, 2013
  4. Смирнов М.В. Моделирование и визуализация голограмм Фурье, Френеля, Адамара
  5. Смирнов М.В. Результаты экспериментов встраивания скрытых водяных знаков в фотоизображения на бумажной и пластиковой основе
  6. Эксперименты по восстановлению СВЗ с художественных репродукций на бумажных носителях
© 2005
1. Программное обеспечение. Цифровая голография. Скрытые водяные знаки. Распознавание образов.
2. Инвариантная оценка сходства двух строковых переменных методом "Трех-Множеств"
3. An invariant the similarity estimate of two string variables by the "Three-Sets" method
4. On-line вычисление коэффициента Джаккарда (javascript)
5. Регистрация и восстановление цифровых голограмм в традиционных носителях информации на бумажной и пластиковой основе
6. Распределение вероятностей частоты поисковых запросов
7. Защита конфиденциальных данных методами цифровой голографии
8. Противодействие контрафакту автозапчастей методами цифровой голографии
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