Main area of activity (2005-): development of interactive websites and administration systems (CMS),
portals with distributed user access, creation of electronic stores and MySQL databases,
development of FTP clients (Perl/PHP) for hidden automatic transfer and exchange of data between web servers in the background.
Integrating JavaScript/Perl/PHP/MySQL & [PHP7/MySQLi] and creating asynchronous dynamic data update scripts based on /Ajax/Node.js.
Creation of CMS interfaces that provide automated optimization of sites for search engines (SEO).
Scientific officer (1991-2005) State Optical Institute named after. S.I. Vavilova, candidate of technical sciences (Phd). The main area of activity is system analysis and modeling of high-resolution optical-electronic telescopic complexes for the purposes of space observation and remote sensing (automated assessment of resolution; computer synthesis of images taking into account the wavefront deformation of real optical-electronic systems; automated assessment of the MTF and image restoration).
Development of digital holography methods: registration and restoration of digital holograms in traditional information media on paper and plastic bases when solving problems of countering counterfeiting and falsification methods [ 1 , 2 ].
Web resources showing some projects of the author are submitted below:
Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
M. V. Smirnov, "Holographic approach to embedding hidden watermarks in a photographic image," J. Opt. Technol. 72, 464-468 or or
[russian, PDF file]